Saturday, June 4, 2022

RootsTech Follow-Up - Family Connections

Hello everyone. Here in Florida our hurricane season starts on June 1 and we already have our first storm brewing. Many people say we don't have seasons in Florida but they would be wrong. We have several seasons - Dry Season, Wet Season, Hurrican Season, and Lovebug Season. Each one has it's own special conditions that we have to adapt to. Oh yeah, we also have Winter which usually lasts for 7-10 days sometime in January and February where the temperature can drop below 40 degrees F.

With our first tropical storm system sitting off the coast providing several inches of rain, it is a good time to stay indoors, work on family history, and connect with family. For many of you, it is summer and this is the time for your family to be together, take vacations, and visit far flung family. 

We are now a couple months out from our last RootsTech and RootsTech has started to develop monthly themes to help people find videos related to specific topics. This month the theme is Family Connections. This theme focuses on discovering your legacy, family traditions, telling stories, and activities you can do with your family.

Are you looking for some quick and simple ideas for fun family history activities? Family history should not be boring. Family members can become deeply involved in their family histories if you make it fun and engaging. Here are a couple RootsTech videos that can help you make family history enjoyable for the rest of your family.

These are just a few of the RootsTech videos which focus on involving your family, building connections, telling stories, and having fun while learning about their family history. Take some time to view these videos and others from RootsTech and let me know about your experiences.

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